Sunday, September 23, 2012


Friedman, Y. 2000. Function follows form. in. Sadler et al. (Eds). Non-plan : essays on freedom participation and change in modern architecture and urbanism. Oxford: Architectural Press. pp104-115.

“Form follows function” was the battle cry of twentieth century architecture

The function of each architectural space is determined first of all by the equipment specific for that space: furniture and fixtures

Functional spaces, for architects, are points in a linkage scheme

Architecture’s products, buildings, have plastic forms. Seen from the outside, they are like sculptures

Both the outside form and the inside form are determined largely by emotional factors

An architectural artifact is a body with a hollow, eventually of a volume different from its external shape

Envelopes protect against climate, against intrusions. Envelopes are not necessarily ridged.

What can be changed most easily is the function map. Functions can follow form

The dynamic process of architecture can be summed up as follows: function maps, envelopes, the supporting structure

Users preferences manifest themselves as use patterns. Use patterns are always personal 


Two Homes in Luque by BAUEN
Building merges and maintains a relationship with landscape/ greenspace



The year is 2025 and Paddington central has continues to maintain and develop it's strong sense of community 

This community value has reflected and shaped Paddington's built environment 

Paddington central is the source of common land provided, separately and with deliberation as a social necessity 

It makes it possible for people to feel comfortable outside their homes and allows them to feel connected to the larger social system 

It acts as a meeting place for people 

It provides a framework which is just enough defined so that people naturally tend to stop there and curiosity naturally takes people there and invites them to stay 

Then once community groups begin to gravitate toward this framework, there is a good chance that they will themselves, if they are permitted, create an environment which is appropriate to their activities

Each person can find in the face- to- face life of his neighbourhood at least passing contact with people from every stage of life

Teenagers see young couples, old people watch they very young, people living alone draw sustenance from large families

Provides more private kinds of common land shared by a few groups of families
This common land forms the heart and soul of Paddington